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-window resizing is nice, thanks
-if you hold down, the menu selection cycles so fast, both buttons get selected, ignore holding, which also means that pressing once is hard
-Please let me use my keyboard to enter my name, you are using kb controls after all too, even though I'm on a controller
-if the window ratio goes above widescreen, your game doesn't know how to handle it:

-the transition between the game and the barber shop is jarring, make it smooth
-stop people from talking to me if I can't see them (in barber shopt purple girl keeps talking to me 
-precalculate UI text
-I don't like the absorbing shluck sound effect
-It's not obvious you can go under the doors, but annoying that only under some doors 
-once I managed to find the rooms with stuff it became a really smooth experience, with polished combat and platforming, which is great

It seems like you have a solid, polished children's game (saying it as a good thing). It's not something I'd play, but I can appreciate the detail and smoothness of it. Managed to get to the end screen even. Hope the KS goes well -- I probably would start with some gameplay before the upgrade screen.