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War is good..😀✔⚔
but Peace?
Peace is very bad.. 😡❌☮


but peace is fun :)



Peace brings prosperity, and freedom. Money and more!


“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” ― Mahatma Gandhi



both are needed, but peace > war mostly

Yes, both are needed, but peace is better than war sometimes. You must be in between.


Peace brings money in N1 if u jump in front of someone the whole time how do you expect to get coins 

haha, the lust for money will blind you.

there's more than money, rly tho.

Ay i didn’t say money he did

oh ok sry lol 

(1 edit)

I wasn’t mad tho but lol


Hey if u don't select war u can't wear fearless.
But if u select peace, u will gain friends jumping, looking around and trolling in whole round. lol.


who said you have to always fight to be fearless? It's not all just fighting smh yall rly not wise

Ik I’m not i get coins from flags tho but I am extremely dum

nonono not in that sense it's that thinking that a fearless player is a warmonger is just very very short sighted, if you know what i mean.

that's a + to me!


whaaaat? I'd choose some buddies that jump around all the time rather than full fearless.

ngl that shit kinda boring

at least you don't gotta owrry about being killed. even most of war is boring af

yeah' you do speak facts. Though, on the front lines, war isn't very boring. Especially in the thick of it.

But overall, most of war is just diplomacy and overweight guys with mustaches pushing green army men figures across a table.


we use these toothpick flags and move'em across a box of sand 😅


War is chaos and chaos is fun 

Well yes, that's why my name is Havoc, but peace is also good.

In a public match that is. In real life and private squads, peace is superior, even if war happens even once in a while.

A good empire would not wage much wars or raise tensions, but rather reduce them, at the same time stocking up a army for defense.

a dormant stockpile.

It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin [war]. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

            Sun Tzu - The art of war 🤓 (A well knowledged general knows this book well.)

And it's vital importance of protect the State (your clan)


My brother wants to read this book for fun. (I think it was only for bragging rights tho lol).

lol. you don't just it there's understanding too

I can agree with this!

this should be my wise words on my abt page either that or some sun tzu quote

did it


(1 edit)

I don't know why, but "Ooga Booga" didn't make it wise enough for me 😕

lol ooga booga ain't too wise

can mah boi pley later?


now?! i can :)

Wallpaper is.. looks a bit cursed.. 💀

haha . . . do not fear . . . they are not the terracotta army. instead, they are my coworkers in war.


It continues

peace is boring

wOuLd YoU rAtHEr hAvE :

Peace and prosperity?


War and Death

most of war is boredem

yeah, and another major part is sadness.

that is tru but I am talking abt a game rn