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As someone who's working on their own RPG right now, this was pretty inspiring! It's already helped me with a few things.

The intro to the game already had me liking it, because of the little fire mystery it set up. Then the shadows just being a cool concept in general made me run straight into the first one of the game expecting a fight... I uh, I died but I figured it out later...

The fairies and mirror world were pretty intriguing too. It kept me coming back to see if there was any new dialogue I might've missed before I proceeded, and I also liked the art.

Very good job!


Thank youu, I'm happy you found this inspiring :3c

I hope you found any additional dialog... I remember adding some after releasing this game^^ 

Also chasing scenes are obligatory in RPGM games... To the first shadow had to be unbeatable >:)

I'll keep that last part in mind... and maybe since you're like a professional you could give input when I release my RPG? Because I want it to be good... also, In the game I did notice the players sprites don't really match with the tiles... like, the resolution is higher for her, is there a reason for this?