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MSCHF tried making a Steam page.  It got banned on the same day the game went live.

As for the motive of Steam's ban, anime-themed visual novels can be quite hotsy-totsy with this one not being too lewd.  Steam tends to disproportionately target small and independent developers with banishments while major videogame studios get away with quite a lot (mulling over that, this is similar to how Spotify treats musicians, actually).


I'm pretty sure Valve pulled the game because they were nervous about customer fears about putting their SSN into the game text entry field. Not because of perceived sexual content.

Hoping it stays up here on itch!


I could be wrong though, I don't think Valve gives detailed reasoning as to why each game is delisted.


But I don't think the game dose anything with your SSN except add it to the pdf of your full tax return you get at the end of the game but most people prob just used a fake SSN anways


I agree! But it's possible Valve removed it just to avoid confusion spreading.


nah. Steam lifted their ban on outright pornographic content years ago (mostly 'cause Valve couldn't be assed to do any moderating), and this game comes *nowhere* near that.

Steam still bans r18 content arbitrarily, usually localizations of Japanese visual novels. For example, Steam banned CHAOS;HEAD NOAH less than 60 days before its release date without explanation and only relented because of community protest. The remastered version of the game released doesn’t even contain r18 content though the original does. Even more puzzling, Nintendo allows the same version of the game to be sold on their site for the Switch. WTF? The C;H Noah is too adult for Steam, but OK for Nintendo?