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Do you like my fearless arrow idea? 😊

(1 edit)

Oooooh, fearless hammer!

Is a arrow 😐


oh πŸ˜‘


no, the shaft, nock, and fletchings of the arrow should be 100% normal. the skull should be removed too, and should be replaced with a shark tooth as the arrowhead instead.


rn this arrow would have a very high spread and be very inaccurate, deal lower damage because it's quite blunt, and low range, at most 10 meters of accurate range with longbow.

mrbean gta orsmth?

yeah heheh


MR BEAAANNNN! I love that guy!

must resist...


lol same

He's so funny, lol

xd man vs bee is gold pretty funny while being unironic

yeah, though I like his movies and the mr. bean show from decades ago

lol i've never watched those

lol, you should.  Laughing is a 100% guarantee, lol

lol ik that just maybe i won't think up of it when im watching stuff.