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Aussua join DU

A clan against peace.

Our motto:

Make War.

No Friendships

no friendships??? then how are you friends with ppl???

I’m talking about clans

Aussua is part of SC, within the NU.

You can't really get him in your clan unless he commits treason :/

(1 edit)

1. She not he

2. Ye commit treason

3. She already seems shaky with SC cuz they don’t have anyone anymore

1. It is he, just ask him.

2. Time will tell.

3. SC has lots of cool members, whaddya talking about?

I bet u 3k dollars that it is she

Ha, then I now have 3k dollars.

No ask her

Bruh, SC has a lot of strong members

i think that goes w/ out saying.

Bruh, SC has a lot of strong members 

Oh, sry, wrong person

Correct! aussua told me it's he remember?

thanks for 3k lmao

yea  right when i thought of aussua as a female aussua told me that it was a he 

two he loyal unlike some shit or smth

sc ain't shaky like your apartment foundation(no offense)

nah she loyal


nah i stay in SC and only SC


but i support war tho cuz peace is boring

well at least I have a supporter

then fly a airplane in the tower in towers map

bruh recruiting over here heheh

Are you a boy or girl?



BOY, scroll down a few months ago

I don't have time to do that.

I can confirm he said he's a boy

Assusa is gurl he bob reveal on deescord

HE bob? so aussua's a femboy?

Femboys are still genetically boys so they don't have "bobs"

yep lol + you told me you were male when i thought you were female


lessss go W human

sry yo but aussua is taken i think you'll be screamin' at the raven hahaha

Since this post got quite a bit of attention i just wanna say that im not shaky with SC 

nice ok good