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(1 edit)

Edit: maybe I should ROT13 or whatever some of my message? I didn’t really think about that :0 I don’t think I give much away when talking about the last puzzle though so not really worth it. Just putting it out there for anyone- watch out for potential **Spoilers

I didn’t record solving any of the puzzles sadly. So I don’t really remember what all my reactions were

I originally just followed a random quick-playthrough video on YT to the final level. Then when I made a new file and placed through everything, I had the energy to try the final puzzle. I couldn’t really remember the video at all so I got to still figure it out and I remember it being really cool to figure out stuff. And to somehow figure out which key to lock with the Star key, etc. I remember figuring out that using a negative gold key on the main door was the only way I could actually get any white keys or something? I thought that was really cool. Then after I had solved it I remember that I could pretty much just zoom through the level after that 😹 which impressed my boyfriend, which works for me lol 

it was something along those lines! 

Good for you! I think this puzzle might just be the best in the game.

I remember I was originally misled into thinking that the other door near the top right was the one I needed to modify. Thankfully I had the sense to prototype my solution before solving all my other problems. My bafflement when I figured it was the wrong way round!