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Congratulations on submitting!

Amazing effects and art as usual. Had to find the instructions about clicking on the underlined words.

As I mention on the stream, ( 1:21:55) couldn't always tell if I was hitting the boss or not. Congratulations on pull this amazing work in such a short time!

PS: is this a yeti? Or a Norse berserker? With those symbols on the boss going towards the latter


Ayy I would say the latter as well haha

The boss flashes and there is an SFX every time you hit them but I think it might have been a bit laggy for you, I'll try optimising my next game more! Thanks for playing!


Nonono you are fine! You are 100% correct, played it now off stream, and it all went smoothly!
I was happy to also get to listen to the finger snap! So satisfying! (My laptop had taken flight and I couldn't make it out lol)