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Welp, tears poured down my eyes on this. I finished the IF but got the Neutral End which was probably because of the new updates, yet DESPITE THAT I SINCERELY LOVED THE IF. I was bawling the entire time (also damn Sans... The spam I kept getting on you), the entire sequence with Metaton was really nice because of the lack of having to, I dunno, fight for your life. That, and just listening to our MC or Frisk talk about their ideals was really interesting. Gotta agree with Sans on how MC views the surface but at the same time, I think that foolish naive idealistic hope is what many people need. Monster or Not. 

Also the entire fight with Asgore, boy I was spamming my save file because of it. Like omg give a girl a break! But I was so happy when we saw everyone run to our side I was gonna sob yet again. Reading the last part really made my chest swell up with a lot of emotions and I'm sincerely glad I got the True Ending Friendship because I think it was worth the wait. That, and I love the lil updates to how we converse with the people in world, really makes it worth it as well as seeing the glimpses of the darker parts that MC thankfully didn't experience. That little breakdown seriously also helped to ground everything but the fact that there was the option to still believe and hope above all else-- AAAAAA GONNA SCREAM/CRY!

Next, I'm getting those romance options hehehehehe.

Also Sans still owes MC their favorite snack at the epilogue >:(((

Amazing IF! Looking forward to the additions you'll dish out!!!


GJ on getting your happy ending!! 🎉 I’m so glad the neutral ending didn’t discourage you from trying to get the happy one. 

Mettaton was a nice scene to write! I liked getting to flesh out the surface world more, I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. 

Skncksnslz oh jeeze yay! Thank you so so so much. I’m really grateful you took the time to play the game and notice those little details. 

^ ^ I hope you enjoy the different endings for the other routes! Thank you very much for playing and commenting.