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Hey, I checked the game out and it was pretty fun, I do think that there was waaay too much ammo and HP packs for the amount of zombies, but It's a good starter and with some refinement I think will be really cool.


Thank you for playing, your video and your feedback!

First of all I’m glad to hear you’re back in business with let’s play videos. 

Very early in your video, you implied it was possibly my first game, which is not true at all. It's probably closer to game number 5 I've released. Don’t worry, I'm not getting offended. 

Almost 3 years ago you played "Unaware" which actually is my first game. I hope you still recall. The thing is that I'm still not done with that game, but I'm hoping it's finished by the end of this year.

About Drained:

  • It’s so much on purpose the level is flooded with ammo and health. I wanted to make sure people didn’t run out 😀 This will definitely be way more balanced in the final game
  • There will also be plenty more weapons, explosives, enemy types and so on. Furthermore the ability to craft items such as molotovs, healing etc. Cars will be intractable. Some might hold useful items.
  • The current state of the AI is very basic. The zombies will in the future be able to surround you instead of lining up. To make them more unpredictable and dangerous.. 

Anyways, I’m glad to hear you had fun. 
