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(x/post) A Castaway sneaking game.  I see what you were going for, but mechanically there's a lot of problems.  I had trouble picking up items that were next to me (I almost quit until I figured out it needed to be a distance away), the invisible walls and some of the forest felt pretty bad, and the actual stealth part needs work (in most stealth games, for instance, enemies tend to have an exaggerated turning mechanic partly to help mitigate parts where they path backwards instantly and spot you.  Wilson in particular seemed to cause them to jerk around which made it a poor distraction item).  But I do have to give props for attempting a stealth game as they're so tricky!  And I know firsthand that it's beatable, so good job on that too.  I definitely feel like you're getting better through these jams (especially considering this is a quicker one).