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i won the reseling match
and i can acsept the qwest from the bord but it dousnt apear in my qwest tracker and it dousnt unlock

Odd. It won't show up in the quest tracker no matter what, because I never got around to updating the quest tracker past the first dungeon. I've meant to, but the quests are all extremely simply past that point, so I still haven't gotten around to it. You're aware the dungeon is called the Sorcerer's Dungeon, yes? If it's still not showing up, I might need to take a look at your save file to figure out the issue, as things are working just fine on my end. If you want to upload and send it to me, be sure to upload the entire save folder, or else I won't be able to open it. You might want to private message me on another website ( doesn't allow private messaging.) I have accounts on tfgamessite and f95zone, so you could message me on either of those. If you don't care about others being able to download your save (not sure why anyone would to begin with, but anyways,) you can just link it on here instead.


i sent it via f95
thanks in advanse