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Hello! Bought your plugin a while back haven't had the chance to test it much, but I have a few questions if that's ok:
- Is there any info about the performance of this on phones when exported to android? I played this demo on my phone through the browser and runs just fine, wondering how it would perform as an app.

- Does it support alpha on textures? And if so, does it have the same problem that Construct 3's 3D objects have in which it doesn't draw objects that are behind alpha textures properly?

- Can we expect any sort of texturing other than diffuse in the future? For instance normal maps or specular mapping?

Thank you so much


Perf on Android seems reasonable based on feedback, however you can't push it too hard. As per usual, I suggest experimenting.

It supports alpha on textures, in general 3DObject uses the C3 rendering SDK, so it has those limitations, I have requested some features to help us get around that, but we'll see if Scirra implements it.

For other texture maps, it is a similar situation, I did a request to Scirra so that I might be able to implement normal map, etc. still waiting on a response.

Happy deving!

Amazing response, thank you so much!