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well, the game saves seems to be working now after some lil experiments (via going in n saving at a random point to see if itll come up) . but i had indeed lost my first save, i was at the point right before the cobra guy too TwT. 2-3 hours deep, though i dont know why it didnt save, i did profusely save in-game, yet when i f4'd and "x"'ed out of the game to take me a nap, i came back to nothing, simply grueling that i couldnt fight n fuck the funky snake man TwT

So you're saying that you had already properly extracted / unzipped the game beforehand, when your saves vanished? And that now they are working again just because you decided to go and check?

I apologise for being accusatory, but if there is some kind of issue that is causing saves to disappear that ISN'T related to extracting / unzipping the game, it's important we know about this.

So please, tell me straight: was it because you hadn't extracted the game? Or was it something else?

sorry for the late reply. but yes. i extracted everything properly, but when i exited the game, my progress was wiped,  so i made another save and tested some stuff, and that save didnt disappear. i dont know what happened the first time around, but id could've been a freak accident