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A member registered Feb 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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sorry for the late reply. but yes. i extracted everything properly, but when i exited the game, my progress was wiped,  so i made another save and tested some stuff, and that save didnt disappear. i dont know what happened the first time around, but id could've been a freak accident

well, the game saves seems to be working now after some lil experiments (via going in n saving at a random point to see if itll come up) . but i had indeed lost my first save, i was at the point right before the cobra guy too TwT. 2-3 hours deep, though i dont know why it didnt save, i did profusely save in-game, yet when i f4'd and "x"'ed out of the game to take me a nap, i came back to nothing, simply grueling that i couldnt fight n fuck the funky snake man TwT

there is a bug where the game does'nt keep your saves after leaving TwT, rip 2 hours, but it was very fun in the meantime! very nice art style, clean and consistent! seems to be a lot more content to meander through after my lost saves TwT, amazing game anyway! ill check it out in the months to come! or however long it takes to tweak and update your lil masterpiece!