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A member registered Sep 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Make sure you have a bow, and have arrows in your inventory.

Open your pouch, select the arrows you want to use with Enter.

Then exit your pouch and make sure to press R to load your arrows up!

As a small caveat, you can't load your weapons inside your tent. And some arrow types require a more sturdy bow to be used.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Sorry, what I should have said was that saves are not compatible between versions. You can try transferring them around but it won't work, and can cause some corruption of the game files too.

The demo contains the first hour or so of the game, the story introduction and a single destination and one enemy type. 

The full version has several hours more content, two more destinations to visit, a bunch more lewd scenes, the first 'act' of the game's story, a gallery for reviewing scenes, etc.

If you want to give the story a trial, or want to get some practice with the controls before playing, the demo is a good idea. But otherwise, the full act one is a much more content and feature rich experience!

You need to download the CN / JP version of the game.

Please try this, and let us know if you are still having trouble.

Wet Clay Clump can be found in the Stream locale. Look for greyish squares on the floor in the southern areas.

(1 edit)

You need to travel to the Swamplands specifically from the "travel menu". It's after the Stream and Savannah in the list.

Also a machine translation Chinese version can be downloaded. It's called "CN / JP version". If you use your account you should be able to download it without being charged additional money.

You're looking for a schematic inside the serpentfolk's base to make 'flimsy shears'. You can use them to explore new areas of the swamp.

Our 'development update journals' will remain locked on Subscribestar, yes.

We don't see much merit to releasing them publicly later. After several months the information in them may be outdated or conflicting, sue to the variable nature of game development.
And the game projects would be released before the update journals are concluded, which may cause confusion if we're still saying things like "We're just a few months from release" in the journals.

Press your 'esc.' key. You can save from the menu.

Sorry, we're only using Substar at the moment. But everything shown off on the Substar will be implemented in our game projects when they're released.

There's a well to the south of the inn. You need to find your way inside.

There's a gallery when you complete the game.

That place isn't accessible that way. You'll need to go through the Decaying Complex nearby instead.

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for playing, and for the endorsement! Very much appreciated.

Make sure to tell your folks you love 'em, you only get one family.

All the materials posted on subscribestar will eventually appear in the game projects, which will be available to everyone on

Sorry, but save data can't be transferred from the demo to the full game...

Thanks a lot for the kind words, and for playing the game as long as you have!

For the final boss and area, it's really important to get good at dodging. I would recommend the blue tonics to help in that department. Don't forget about eating food that buffs your abilities too, not just healing items. Finally, the boss has strong attacks but they are launched at fairly regular timing. Try your best to learn his timings, and dodge in and out as you strike!

That's very generous of you, thank you! Due to their rules on content, it looks like we'll probably be using SubscribeStar instead, and we'll be hoping to have it ready before the end of the month!

Whoa! Uh, yeah, so long story short RPG Maker games don't like when you have more than one instance running, and it seems like you have a bunch of them all open at once, not closing properly for one reason or another. Don't fear though, a few people have had this issue.

I would recommend, cliché as it sounds, just shutting down and restarting your computer to clear out all these other instances, and then just try again. 

Thanks a lot for playing, and for the encouraging words! We're evaluating how we wanna handle our projects moving forward this year, and if we're ready to take the plunge to gamedev as a job and not just a hobby. We'll let everyone know how we decide to play it.

For now, thanks again for playing and for the feedback!

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We appreciate the compliments and the desire to want to play our game.

As for your performance issues... it seems to be related to the nwjs framework the game runs on, and its compatibility or lack of with older laptops.

It's not an ideal solution but the best thing we can recommend is downloading the launcher, and using it to play an older version of Prowler. Maybe try v0.113, or v0.108 and see it that performs any better for you

Buy it from the serpentfolk in the swamplands, once you ally yourself with them.

You download the version of the game in the language you want to play. We have English, Chinese and Japanese.

Text size, I'm afraid not.

The character portrait can be toggled, yes.

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There's a gallery available when you complete the game, with all the content in it regardless of if you saw it in-game or not.

Yep, you got it.

It's not a 'cavern', but a 'coven'. You can find it in the Swamplands, to the far left of the main swamp area (where the music and title appear). 

You will however need some Flimsy Shears to access this area. You can find a blueprint for Flimsy Shears in the serpentfolk's hideout, where you learned about Sera-Vasir!

Most likely the Windows version!

Yeah... it's a glitch we're aware of but has proven difficult to fix... for now, consider it a little bonus 'cheat' if you struggle with combat in game.

Thanks a lot for the kind words and encouragement!

You need to go up and through the fallen log near the top. I promise you there's a way through it, plenty of other folks have made it through! Don't forget to use your dash ability as well!

To rescue Garth you need to visit the Jungle Holding Site sub-locale. There's a couple of small puzzles to pass by involving security lights and laser beams.

We have some volunteers working on Chinese translation, but we do not have an estimated time of release. Thank you for playing our game even with machine translation!

Still very much a WIP, but thank you for the feedback.

The plan's to make it so once you purchase once, you get the rest of the acts!

RPG Maker MV!

Thank you! We're working on improving the sprite scales, everything's still work in progress!