Messed around for a bit, kept getting mega killed by the leprechaun.
Visuals: A bit rough, but the consistent quality keeps it immersive and easy to get used to. The animations and color choice really brings it to life.
Audio: Seemed fine to me, except that there wasn't any sliders to adjust them.
Gameplay: Map is cool, I like the hex grid and the fog of war. It's also interesting to be able to have 100% control over what enemies and items you encounter. I couldn't tell if the bouncers were real time or turn based in how long it took them to walk up a tile. The design of the combat is fun to watch, and the types of slots felt intuitive by description. I still don't know if there's any skill in timing the slots though. The minigames are decent fun and added some flavor to buying new slots.
Combat was unbalanced, sometimes I got pwned or mopped the floor with them. I imagine with more playing I could start knowing what builds to go for and when to go after an enemy or avoid it depending how our abilities would clash. I also probably should have fought more to have more slots for the boss.
Fun game, hope to see it improved.