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Suggestions And Ideas:
Use the symbols next to the Idea to vote

Horses (!)

More Looks' Customization (@)

Shields (#)

Poses/Dance ($)

Spectating (%)


ehhhhh bad idea


@ and % are fine. do not ever add shields, dancing would make this game look like fortnite fr. horses would just be instently killed in the chaos.

You're right. Emojis maybe?






#  is trash for n1


ye it's like guns in America can't just give it to everybody you know what they say here "don't shoot up a school for the 234582748292953885th time" and they still do it same for shields dont want shitty players using em

Here is what I support:

!    $.    %

i support those too but ! is my fave


!, #: when using u cant move or shot, u can only turn + a five second cooldown, $(poses): only useable after winning a game, %

You're right about shields

I feel like Mongolian shoooting and riding should be allowed, but thatโ€™s me.


# is like guns in America can't just give it to everybody you know what they say here "don't shoot up a school for the 234582748292953885th time" and they still do it same for shields dont want shitty players using em



!,%, and maybe $ starting with the griddy