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(1 edit)

I'm both amazed and astounded by this game.  It is...something.
The (sole) indie dev working on it obviously has a great deal of talent, skill, and dedication.
Unfortunately, none of those traits translate into the actual game itself.  It is basically 'what if a 10 year old boy made an action game'.
The most positive things I can say about this game are that it has an FOV slider (which actually works) and resolution options (which are janky but also work).

Bikini woman? check.
Big not-Diablo villian with barely-discernible voice acting?  check.
Ultra flashy combos? check.

The game froze whenever I opened the menu while in the game (bound to the M key apparently).
There's no control remapping (wut) or any indication of what controls do what purpose.

This game may be a bit TOO early in development; I'd actually say the dev should consider doing a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for an actual team to help polish/finish the game.  By my amateur estimates it seems about ~2 years of work to make it a solid indie action game.  Maybe ~1 year or less only if hiring veteran game devs who know what they want to do and how to do it ASAP.

All the trailers and videos in the world won't help; this is the type of game that needs an actual game demo prior to release.