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Thank you :) Glad you enjoyed it!

If you want to play around with the the hacked up map editor you can press tab to disable the ui and collisions then 1 to zoom out.You’ll see on the right there are a bunch of open squares where I was intending to introduce an NPC and some lava (for the Love Potion and Dragon Hid Concoction). [ and ] can be used to cycle through the available brushes. The first 5 autotile.

Thanks for the tips!  The game already looks polished with the camera movements and the game mechanics.  I was even more amazed when I learned about the in-game level editor!  I want to build a level editor for my next game too.  It really seems like a nice workflow to learn.

As an observation, this game does not start a Fennel REPL on the side, if I'm not mistaken.  I can only imagine the REPL might not fit well with your in-game level-editing workflow.  Or perhaps REPL just doesn't work that well with Lua's module system.   If there's anything you would share about your game development workflow, I'll be interested to know!  Thanks again for sharing.  Cheers!


The repl activation is commented out in love.load in wrap.fnl. This is just to ensure maximum compatibility with different systems in the build release. You can uncomment it to get the repl back 😎

I use emacs and fennel-mode, so my dev cycle has a lot of code hotloading vs entering stuff straight into the repl.