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A well-executed, simple and enjoyable concept. It's also interesting how the game ends up having two modes of play without any settings for the player to select. You can chase her for an easy prize or let her hide and get some cute gasps and giggles when you walk into the room as a bonus.

The art and animations are nicely rendered, everything is clear and stands out. The music is very fitting. Maybe could use a few bits of sound and visual effects here and there for when you're rummaging around the house, but other than that, it feels like you had a vision for this game and got it all working just like you planned!


Hey thanks for playing and the detailed review! Glad you enjoyed it

I'd like to add a few more game-feel touches, and had initially planned to make it so there would be animations for checking places, as well as a story to tie it all together. I'll likely submit a build with those touches once the voting is over.

Out of curiosity, did you find the easter egg?

(1 edit) (+1)

Of course I found it, I played though the game 3 times, and found it on my first try. I love short and entertaining games like this one! Very happy to hear that you'd like to expand it, I'll be sure to play again when you update it!


"Of course I found it"

Haha, this made me chuckle. Really glad you enjoyed it and that the easter egg is findable. Here's a little something as thanks :P


So that's where she went! I didn't expect her to hide in the comment section, what a clever girl!

Thank you for the awesome present!