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is there any way to play the full version on a browser? My son uses my computer, and I don't want him to see it :)


Just delete it when you are done with it? 



Well you could put It In a few folder and hide It somewhere where In no way he can't find it!


r click and go to properties and select hidden folder (you need view hidden files on and remember to turn it off after)

use a virtual machine with a password or make a separate user for yourself. You can also simply hide it, in a folder where he won't find, and rename the executable to "forever.hgp" so even if he tries to open it, it won't work.

If you want to leave no trace, I recommend a virtual machine with a password. Use VirtualBox.


dude if you had a son you definetly have a partner, is sex with your partner not enough for you so you play disgusting porn games of raping school children in a locker??

That's sound bad