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I wanted to read it because the art looks really nice but the way it’s written is so distractingly wonky right off the bat that I couldn’t bring myself to finish the prologue.

From that very limited reading I get the impression that you should really consider getting an editor, or equivalent.


Thank you for your kind opinion! Can you please explain what you meant by “distractingly wonky”? This is a very first complaint I have received. Would like to understand you better. ^_^

(2 edits)

Sure, let me explain and point out some places where that happens.

What I mean is that the wording in lot of sentences sounds unnatural to me and grammatical errors seem pretty common. I find that distracting and unpleasant.

(I’m writing these pretty quickly and a couple might come across as a bit nit-picky, but I hope my point comes across.)

For example, the very first line, “[…] In a appearance of black crystal.” (weird wording), later on “[…] Onyx fed the planet with necessary ingredients to create life.” (missing ‘the’ before ‘ingredients’) , then right after “Just like mother nurses her baby […]” (missing ‘a’ before ‘mother’), then “The barren, primordial world became a habitable planet enough to sustain life. […]” (‘a habitable enough planet’ or ‘a planet habitable enough’ work, but not ‘a habitalbe planet enough’), “Onyx knew there will be […]” (‘there would be’), “Fearing Opan will destroy […]” (‘would destroy’), “That is known as the trio of guardians.” (‘They are’, not ‘That is’), “At last ditch effort […]” (‘As a’, not ‘At’).

Errors like these being this common just gives the impression the writing was done without the proper care, you know? To me it’s the writing equivalent of a very bad first impression, and that’s why I drop vns and novels that have them at the beginning.


Thanks for your input, I will review and make changes!