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if you guys went against N1 you would get destroyed

think again, hot shot.

I'm not gonna say I would beat him up. When I say that, I've already done it and am in the principle's office.


let me say some of there top players: Platon, Ricardo, B2DK, Snadow, Qoo

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that 5 of the top 10 players in N1

Pretty sure platoon quit.

nah I got on ur ship and wiped out his entire platoon

oh, just noticed the typo, XD


U guys only have Aussua that’s top ten I think

if the whole of n1 fought y’all are fucked 


yes irl my karate skill r gonna come in handy 

nah bruh my analyzation of the surrounding will be useful too and also my trusty nail clipper knife, I can also sharpen my nails to scratch? jk just gonna use the big knife blade

ima borrow one of byes machine guns 

nah bruh i'll hit u with a bottle b4 u can do that

also no machine guns

ima get byes sniper rifle then 

Then I'ma stop time? Alter the universe's path so you die?

bruh, I also practice karate.

Which belt



. . . 

Alright then, what is your belt?

What's some kids gonna do against the entire itch page?

Throw some anime pics at us?

I meant in a fight 

Well, good luck, my friend's uncle is in the military, infantry division. He could come over and pop you guys full of lead.


lmaooo fun fact there's chinese belt swords, basically concealed swords.

Hey, sign me up!

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if alphin tries to do me (he being like that again) then I'm gonna brandish this guy

My friend, it's called   c o n n e c t i o n s

*puts pockets knives back in pockets*


nahhh more like the contrary