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This is a neat hack of Tunnel Goons. As someone who’s just getting into tarot cards, I really appreciate how this system provides a comfortable introduction into interpreting them. But my favourite bit is the character tables - they’re a really fun way to build up your starting character and have loads of narrative potential!

I have one question: are the Major Arcana treated the same as the other cards in terms of judging success etc?

Thanks! I'm really happy with those tables. I'm currently working on doing sets of distinct tables for each character so I'm happy to hear that they're a hit so far. I've had some good feedback about them in person from the little bit of play testing I've done so far.

In regards to the Major Arcana: Yes. Currently, they are treated the same as other cards in regards to judging success by numerical value although I had been playing with a slightly altered ruleset that would see this change. It would sort of simplify the situation making the resolutions even faster and it would also introduce a bell curve with partial successes. More on that later!