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Deleted 1 year ago

 Hi, I appreciate your feedback but I’m really not at ease with your usage of the word Holocaust to talk about animal cruelty. I think you can’t compare anything with Holocaust but the actual Holocaust, and it’s quite a slippery slope to tax all humans as potential nazis. Yes, destroying ecosystems and exploiting animals are really really wrong and have a tons of bad consequences. But using this word to cause an intense emotion, to create a choc, is a really bad strategy and minimizing the history and impact of what happened during WW2. You can talk and fight for animal rights without using that word.

(3 edits) (+1)

I am sorry. Really not trying to be offensive or to minimize. I am upset about the hell on earth we have created and can not think of better language to use to describe it.

I guess the word choice doesnt seem that shocking to me after watching what goes on in large scale animal farms and knowing the number of animals killed for product each year.

Sorry if I am defensive. I do apologize and will remove my comment.