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Oh, that's nice. I can see the big change is with Always War.  To be honest, looks much better now. With the previous version, the problem list tended to mess things up as it assumed things that could be not happening at all.

Is this now in the regular version of Space Knights? 

Thank you for commenting! 

Yes, that's right. The problem list was more problematic than expected :D. Now it's smoother. 

Quest Move will be changed for Movement and Maneuver as essentially it's what it does and the name is less confusing. 

From Here To Eternity has been greatly simplified as answering TWENTY questions is not what you want to so when you want to finish the game.

Brother Against Brother contemplates now more than two opponents. 

And yes. When I have time, I will update the PDF with all these changes to make sure SK is fully compatible with the coming SSK.

Can you roll from here to Eternity and then keep playing as if the Order doesn't get a good roll and tries to redeem itself?

 My players took the questionnaire more like a checklist to complete. 

Well, the activation condition is "when you are bored of playing and don't want to continue" so the move is quite definitive. Once you do it, that's it: you have your final score , so to speak. 

The original design of the move has a problem: if you are bored, 20 questions are far too many to answer. That's why I wanted it simpler.