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So...I found this game through Mnemonic Devices, and...I may have played it too much. I found it less than 24 hours ago, and I already got all eight endings. ^_^;

Braums was adorable, and by far my favorite. I almost feel bad stealing him from Paris, though, because their romance in the Extras was really cute, too. Still, Braums is mine, and I'm not sharing him! :P

I will also echo someone else's complaint about Ash's anti-vegetarian attitude, being vegetarian myself, but I still really liked the game.

xD Ash has very strong opinions about meat, I'm sorry.

I'm glad you found and played though! I don't think I've met too many people who said Braums was their favorite, so that makes me happy x3 he's my favorite as well. And!! I'm so psyched to hear you played the BraumxParis route, haven't gotten a lot of feedback on that. Thanks for commenting ^^