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(1 edit)

Absolutely incredible achievement, kudos don’t do this game justice. Thank you!!!

Can you share more details on how you implemented all this? Perhaps even in a blog post so others can learn from you?

And perhaps publish your code (though probably not assets) so others can learn from that, too? As you may know, modern re-implementations of others games often publish their code, like 1oom (Master of Orion) or OpenTTD (Transport Tycoon Deluxe).


Thanks a lot! Sure, I'll try to write a blog post. In the meantime, you can read the first blog posts I wrote; this is how everything started:
The second one is probably more interesting; it contains some tech details about my improvements to the original code.

You will find the src code of the text-only versions on my GitHub page. I will publish there also the code of this game as soon as I make it "presentable" :)

Amazing, thanks so much! Looking forward to learning more through write-ups and code. :)