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this game looks so lazy, the models and graphics has some effort. but looks so bad. and it's to bad since this game has potential, so i recommend remaking the graphics as a new edition would be fine. i know a person who can help with that. i do kinda recommend, but the graphics bothered me a bit 

(4 edits) (+2)

Ah, sorry you feel that way towards the graphics. I am slowly improving over time and getting better at modeling and level design. I know some users may not care for the low-poly graphics and style but it's something I enjoy doing and many others aswell. As for your friend who can help, I'm not really one to get help from others y'know, I prefer to work on my projects alone so I can improve myself. But thanks for letting me know though! I Hope you'll give the game a chance someday. :)


i guess it's fair, you do your games, my team do my games

also, there is a way for smooth the shading and polygons as well as this thing called Subsurf 


Ah yeah I know that, actually been testing that effect out in my current project. It's just that I usually use flat shading for my models as a design choice, haha.