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I love the Portal-esque aesthetic and humor too. The death messages were one of the first things that I thought of in development haha

I totally agree that the abilities can be unbalanced. For example, the "Light" modifier is quite strong compared to the other ones. And the "Heavy" modifier is not good for a lot of places. (But believe me, it was worse, you used to have a "Slow" modifier and a "None" ability, I removed them haha)

The game was not really intended to be a "rage game", but it somehow kinda turned into one.

Giving more than one path to continue seems like an interesting idea! I might explore that idea in the future.

The bodies having physics was intended too. For example you could pile them up and make a big area to jump on. But that also made it harder on some other places.

Thank you so much for playing and thank you for your feedback!!