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Ah, thanks for telling me! 

Though I don't know if I'll be playing tonight with the stuff that's happening in Paris today. I live slighly outside of town so I don't see it from my windows but well, I'm following it live on TV. 

Oh no :( no problem at all. It is such a shame what is happening. I grew up catholic and I love cathedrals and their structure. Shame so much history and art and valuable artificers are getting lost :((

I'm not catholic, but I do respect all religions and I always loved all temples, churches and cathedrals. And this one is one of the most beautiful I've seen. And I mean, my workplace isn't even far from there - it will be so depressing tomorrow...

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Wow I've tried playing tonight but it's still glitching out as hell for me. Busts are spazzing on screen and still squished, CGs are so zoomed in I see only a small part, and the first map is on the far right - so far I can't even see the entire room. 

EDIT: here, I did some screencaps of the beginning. Can't catch the spazzing cause it's too fast -

D: this might be because I have changed the game into windowed mode. have you tried to play it in fullscreen? Next update will have tons of stuff story wise and i'll make sure i wont stop til the client is playable for you with 0 errors ^_^

Yeah, I've tried switching to full screen, but it stays the same. I'll try on another computer maybe - it seems the game works for someone else so yeah. But it's weird considering the previous built was perfectly fine

im so terribly sorry T-T 
On another note, next build will have a picture gallery. I'd love to get ur permission to use ur tyran fanart and put it in. 

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Go ahead! It's for you, so as long as you don't sell it, you can put it in the game or any website you want! 

Hah, sadly it doesn't work at all on the other computer I have on hand - can't even start it, but oh well, it's an old japanese vista one, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I guess I'll wait and retry on friday or something - I should get my work computer back by then, and maybe that one will run it correctly. I'll just play something else in the meantime.

I’ll make sure the next build works for you! And yes the game now and the full release will be free and noncommercial ^_^

Hey good new - I finally got back my main computer, and the new built works fine on this one, so I'll be able to enjoy the changes you made in the update, FINALLY!

That also means I shouldn't have any more issues in the future since this is the computer I normally use to play most games.

Though I DO have a bug, but I think it isn't on my side. F4 closes the game and F5 restarts it, so I can't manage to switch to windowed - but that's not really a problem. I'll tell you if I find any other bugs in this version later, since now I can play it.