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Hey, this game runs very badly on my system. HP Reverb g2, 3600x and 2070, even on the lowest resolution I get like 20 fps. What can I do?


Hey, it sounds like maybe your SteamVR super sampling settings or motion smoothing are set too high.

I run a similar setup (g2, 3700x, 2070super) and if I didn't do some optimization, this game would run choppy. So get the openXR dev toolkit for windows mixed reality, and take some of the settings down. You can run anything as long as you're willing to compromise on the render scale. Also, if you're pushing some big displays on top of VR, you'll be better off lowering their resolution way down whenever you're in VR. Like, I have a 2k ultrawide, and when I launch WMR I have it set to refresh my monitor down to a low res square with a low framerate. That way my GPU doesnt have to push all those pixels in addition to the g2. Having the g2 is basically like having two 2k screens attached to your computer already.

Hey, this worked! OpenXR Toolkit didn't work with the latest patch but now it does and the game runs much better, even though it looks kinda blurry while flying. I also have a strange drift in my left controller, it keeps drifting right and it's happening only in LOW-FI.