I mean hes stronk, he probably did the majority of the damage, also what happens if snake comes and you have all pacts, I'm curious to find out
turns out heavy shackles are the most broken item, even more than ring of power... my tizik has 475+ atk and 128 def, leading to upwards of 600 strength and defense because i have tactician 3, guardian 3, and bulky 3, and all my monsters have bulky and nearly all are tacticians thanks to the spyglass shackles i made for my non tactician or bulky monsters, and I have what I would call an Urso Engine
The Urso Engine is two ursos in the middle row, my first one has two circlets of power and acuity (one fused using aura), and the second should have energy charms and spyglasses fused, but instead I fused it with a vorpal+giants shorsword and gave it a ominous idol+spyglass, and put mana generating items around the ursos and gave them beatdown, meaning that attacks are infinitely spamming, shredding through even the strongest bosses in seconds
Also I got 4 Voss in a row, I'm not sure if this is a bug because it normally cycles between the 3 final bosses, but I got borer, tarkoth, voss, voss, voss, voss, also I am at loop 8 final world right now without any greater blessings besides a single radiant aurite for my tizik (grinding for maxed forges)
is 4 vosses a bug, and please nerf nest being able to give you doubled monsters, its too OP with the right ones