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The first event you mentioned is Kali's story. The second in in Moon's story, but which event is the third one you mentioned? There are so many, it's hard to keep track. Relationship levels help the most.

(1 edit)

If the first is Kali's then that would make a little sense how it could get out of order, assuming there isn't code that watches the order of events for these. As for the third one, it's the one where they play the racing game with Emma... I think... Like you said there's SO MUCH content!

Oh, and the main screen has a "CONTINUE" button that crashes the game if it's never been played before.

Since Moon is technically a side character that you never have to actually do the story events for, her events aren't necessary to progress Kali's story. There are other events in the game that I'm not sure about though, so I could be entirely wrong about everything.

That is exactly why I could understand that there's nothing tying those two flows together.