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hello! I’m very confused about how armor works in this game, and what armor is the best one for me.

just use what u think looks the best. stats dont do anything

yes they do


welp kinda, speed does a lot and zoom is fine but dammage and armor r basically useless

well damage doesn’t matter for bow 3 or 6 since they are “guaranteed” 2 shots, but helps a lot with the rest. And armour is best used with bow 3 and 6 as they a generally slower with   a wider window to be hit between shots. So not completely useless.

welp armor only has a small use cus even if u are full  u get 3 shotted by assualt and 2 shotted by the heavier weapons

Well, the reason I can kill almost anyone with 2 assault shots is that I have the knight armor which increases the arrow stats



welp fearless a little more hp so I sometimes killed (but some fearless guy sucks lol

I did a video about that : narrow one guide

it didnt explain the stats tho

Really ? I though I explained it...

u only explained what u can do there, maybe u should do an updated version

uhh kinda :/

hey ansy be on here more

it doesn't have  the stats 


wow k 

(1 edit)

Just choose what looks best for you, stats don't do too much.

welp u should still have a bit of speed boost cus it is rly damn usefull


true that speed boost good

oh no it does if you choose carefully.

Well, yeah.

read this post in Itch: 

scroll  a bit down and it will show all the stats. Btw plz join my clan, DC. Just add DC to ur n1 and itch name

can I?lol I'm noob

well i prefer aesthetic over stats but at the same time i have good stats with good skin