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adblocker? i don't always get them but they make me sick

I don’t use ad blocker on the app 

idk how to do that my 2020 bc bronze age laptop kinda archaic 😅

my pcs are from 2007 and 2004 💀

mine's from 2020 BC,  four thousand years old than your pc's.

at least it can run n1 mine can’t even load the menu 

you want a 4,000 year old pc? since it's so old, it's worth more than any gaming system in a world today. More importantly, it's compatible with bluetooth, usb, sd cards, and the headphoney plugging thingy.

yes I want it 

(1 edit)

lol ok then

i don't know where to find another one, though . . . i don't make laptops.

bruh u got the parts? Cus I know how to make stuff