First of all, I wish to say thank you for developing a game that's similar to Secret of Mana (SNES version). Any games that have a similar style to it always catches my attention, and I wish there were more.
Now on to complaints/suggestions for updates/fixes/whatever!
1. Leon seems to have trouble keeping up no matter where I am, whether in combat or not. He moves too slow, and I'm not sure if that's mostly for combat purposes or not.
2. I feel the AI should be able to use potions when their health is low.
3. I love that the AI fight their own targets, but it gets them killed when it comes to bosses.
4. Do the enemies return after awhile, or when you come back to that location on the world map? I admit that I didn't try out much and just finished the current demo to see what changed from the last demo I played.
5. Maybe it's just the nostalgia of my favourite childhood game (that I have yet to complete XD) that put the idea of it being a co-op game into my head, but as I continued to travel and fight enemies, I just thought that another player would be more helpful than the current AI. In Secret of Mana (for those that don't know), another player can join once you have another party member, allowing up to three players in total. So, along that line, your game could allow up to four-players once all characters are within the party, or just have it as a two-player co-op to make it easier. It's just an idea I wanted to suggest.
Honestly, no matter what you decide for the final release, I believe it will be awesome and I can't wait!