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Hey, thanks for playing and the kind words! It really means a lot to me :)

In response to your comments:

1. He is slower by design. I tried to increase the speed of the AI and overall it looked strange. In combat however Leon's AI moves slower while his shield is up. However I agree he moves to slowly with his shield up, and will probably change this when I revisit his AI.

2. Good point! This is something I have also been wanting to do. I wanted the AI to be more reactive when it takes damage, such as dodging or retreating or even using potions. Again these changes are in the works!

3.  Yeah, right now the AI is kinda dumb... Working on making them smarter. Also looking into allowing you to revive them or pick them up if they do something stupid.

4. Enemies do not return in rooms you have already cleared. Essentially enemies are spawned when the level is being generated, so if you revisit the dungeon they should be enemies again.

5. Yes! This is something I want to do. I thought that the AI companion was perfect for Co-Op, but this is currently on the back burner for now while I work on the game and story. Think of Co-Op as the last thing I am thinking about putting in.