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Looks like it's still there, looks pretty cool. While it's a driving game, oddly enough I would say my inspirations right now are largely the modern run based card games or games adjacent to that: Slay the Spire, Monster Train, Peggle, FTL, Power Chord, etc. I thought "Why not combine one of those with Mario Kart?"

The visual style and visual theme is mostly me leaning into what I think the Genesis is good at, plus what I can get done myself. I can't do sprite art, so I figure why not pre-render a lot of the content?

well, the pre render gives it a pretty unique look.  I think it's working for you.  How do you enjoy working with the Sega Genesis so far?  It seems like you are tapping into the speed of the console.

SGDK really makes it easy and fun to work with the Genesis. It takes care of a lot, and I'm really excited about the recent support for Tiled, I'm hoping to use that in future games.