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A member registered Aug 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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I appreciate my cat made the achievement list!

Amazing, thanks so much!

Huh, I'll have to look into the build settings for SGDK. I just copied a sample project to start. I should look into changing rom_head.c, as well. It's the default so it's full of sample project stuff. I haven't had much time to work on this recently. I'm also sort of waiting on an SGDK update, I switched my BG rendering to allow me to compress the tracks so I can fit more content, but the renderer I switched to is buggy, so I'm hoping the next SGDK fixes it.

Hmm, I'll investigate a bit, it's working on my Everdrive Pro, so maybe there's some setting I can turn off on my next build that will make it work better on other Everdrives.

SGDK really makes it easy and fun to work with the Genesis. It takes care of a lot, and I'm really excited about the recent support for Tiled, I'm hoping to use that in future games.

Looks like it's still there, looks pretty cool. While it's a driving game, oddly enough I would say my inspirations right now are largely the modern run based card games or games adjacent to that: Slay the Spire, Monster Train, Peggle, FTL, Power Chord, etc. I thought "Why not combine one of those with Mario Kart?"

The visual style and visual theme is mostly me leaning into what I think the Genesis is good at, plus what I can get done myself. I can't do sprite art, so I figure why not pre-render a lot of the content?

It's probably around 15% done. It'll be a while, probably a few more years off and on to finish it. Here's my todo list at the moment, and I'm sure this will grow.

  • Track stops rendering after a few transitions
  • Enum-ify track names so tracks can be added/removed/shuffled without breaking things
  • Options menu
  • Balance, balance, balance
  • Render & export more cars
  • Boss fight AI
  • 3 bosses per zone
  • Boss map graphics
  • Show boss on the map
  • Map preview on relevant screens (treasure, shop, etc) to inform decisions
  • Make battle maps feel better - new battle map only enemies?
  • Fix aiming on shots
  • Music
  • Pause menu
  • Ascension system
  • Progress tracking & saving
  • Multiple starting cars
  • Car select screen
  • Fix engine audio
  • More SFX
  • More weapons?
  • Bigger bullets for player
  • Performance improvements
  • End of race / battle UI element (like drop-down starting lights)
  • Player taking damage, potential to actually lose runs
  • More relics
  • More mystery nodes
  • Decide if I should bump from 3 to 5 acts?
  • Secrets - secret act?
  • Improved cheat menu
  • Improved glossary
  • Better writing - descriptions on relics, mysteries
  • Map screen - ability to read descriptions of stats & relics
  • Credits
  • Manual - digital and printable
  • Box art
  • Cart art
  • graphics
  • Better title screen
  • Attract screen
  • Victory / end of battle screens / etc
  • Game over screen
  • More tracks
  • More battle maps
  • tutorial / driving school
  • Improved HUD
  • Improved map screen
  • Transitions between screens

Awesome, thanks for playing it!

Hmm it probably does help. I'll need to learn reading the debugging info for Genesis games. Thanks for the crash report, I wanted to iron out the bugs.