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I don't like it, it's a good idea, but it's not clear how to play the game

Can you specify what is not clear? This would be helpful for me in the future.  Anyway, thanks for your feedback.

this is a video explaining the problem

p.s. I tried for another 5 minutes but didn't even get close to completing level 2


Here you have the solution.

Level 2 is quite difficult to be honest.

I know physic is a bit weird, but I'm just starting to use this engine and I used the built-in behaviour "physic engine".


Yes, there is a solution, but it's hard for me to repeat this, alas 

I admit I was wrong 

p.s. I hope you understand the physics engine. I tried to do something, but it didn’t work out for me and I decided not to touch physics.

It is difficult to do, even I had to try few times.

As for the physical engine, I only understand the basics.