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FYI the lag induced by streaming the video over network made the game unplayable, so I gave up my attempts and simply ran a laptop directly connected to the TV.

Only the game doesn't seem to support neither Nintendo Switch pro or PS3 controllers, so guests using iPhones are left with sad faces :P

Adding the PS3 sixaxis controller (for linux) using SDL2 gamepad tool was a sinch. Unfortunately the switch pro controller is not recognized by the tool.

Here is the PS3 controller if you want to add it:

050000004c0500006802000000800000,Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller,platform:Linux,a:b0,b:b1,x:b3,y:b2,back:b8,guide:b10,start:b9,leftstick:b11,rightstick:b12,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:b13,dpdown:b14,dpleft:b15,dpright:b16,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,

I have been using a PS3 controller for testing all the time. Perhaps your's is some different variant. I will add it in the in next version.

I have no experience with Switch controllers, but I will keep this in mind if I ever get my hands on one.