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Also this art is really good! Omg xD I cant believe you offered to draw me art and I almost refused cuz I’m dumb (and i’d Feel guilty if I didn’t pay) xD

Haha, thank you for your kind words! 

Aah, can't wait for the update, so excited!

Also, well, don't worry about not being able to pay, really. Not only do I love the project so it would be fun - especially since I've had a loong artblock for months and anything that inspires me is good to take - but also well, since I'm in the making of my own games but it will be the first time and stuff, having my name appear in another game before that would be a nice publicity and a matter of payment too. It's not the same as if I was offering a personnal commission for free - if that makes you feel better.

And I'm happy you like the drawing! It's very simple because my working computer is broken right now and I won't get it back before a week or two. So this is sketched and lined on paper and has a pretty basic coloring using my mouse on another computer. But I can vary my shading style pretty much so yeah.

Atm I’ve got some art stuff I’m waiting on. If you don’t mind, I’ll put your art in the pic gallery too! :)

Of course I don't mind!

I may do more later if I feel inspired

I’m excited!!! Looking forward to more!

Hey! Sorry to reach out like this :) basically I’m updating the game *hopefully* tonight if I can debug on time. I’ve added a music gallery, and a message log per your suggestion. Picture gallery will come next as soon as I finalize the amount of CGs I’m putting up ^_^ no story update yet but thank you soooo much for the feedback! 

No problem! I'll take a look at the update once you post it, though I won't actually play it since it isn't anything major.