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The plugin didn't work in my project. I tweaked the parameters, tried everything, followed the guide, but it just didn't work.

I use Qabs

Hello I'm sorry to hear you're having problems. Would you be able to provide more information? Did you get any errors? If not what are you trying to accomplish that isn't working? I could take a look into this but some more specific information would be helpful.

Thank you!

I followed the compatibility information with Yanfly keyboards plugins, I also tried without these plugins. In parameters I left the same in the example image, but it just didn't work. I didn't receive any kind of error message. It's like he wasn't even there. Could I email you the Qabs link? the Plugin I'm using in my commercial project so you can take a look at it with your active system plugin? It's like QABS and your plugin are not being compatible.

If possible, could you give me the link of this ABS that you use in the video so that I can also buy and test it?

Hello I'm getting started looking into QABS to see if I can replicate your issues. In the meantime here is a link to where you can find the ABS which is used in the video. It's called Chrono Engine ABS by Moghunter. It's a free ABS that's been around for a long time.

The HUD shown in the video was thrown together using SRDudes HUD Maker.

Thank you, tomorrow I intend to test with this ABS that you sent me. If you want, I can send you the QABS for you to download via email, I can host it on a mediafire link and send it to you there

So yeah it seems like there is indeed an incompatibility between this plugin and the QInput plugin. The QInput when enabled prevents this plugins key binds from functioning, looking into a fix.

Thanks, once you get this fixed please let me know

Hello, sorry this took a bit but I believe I've found compatibility. 

Keep in mind though that this fix will override the functionality of QInput for the key bindings used for the Active Item System. So don't double up and use the same key for bindings between plugins.

You will have to make sure the Active Item System plugin is located below QInput inside the plugin manager.

I'm sure this will require some testing and currently there is no compatibility for the dev mode. But if you wanted to use dev mode simply enable dev mode and then disable the QInput plugin to use dev mode and then disable dev mode and re-enable QInput.

The file is uploaded to the store page which you can now download.

Good luck! I hope this solves your issues!


Thank you, I'll download it and as soon as I have some time and test it, I'll get back to you to let you know if it worked or not

(1 edit)

I tested it here at home and the problem persists. I'll send you the link to the QABS I use (An ABS system) to see if you can solve it