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So cute! For a paste-over of Anamnesis, this adds a lot to the experience. Designing unique art for an entire tarot deck is wild, and it is delightful how the designs play with the iconic Rider-Waite images. Clicking on the cards to learn more is so fun, plus as mentioned in the other review, it brings a sweet tactual element to the experience. I would have liked to see the minor arcana cards remain on the page past the start of each chapter spread, but this is a wonderful way to enjoy Anamnesis, or see it in a new light.


Thank you very much for this thoughtful review!

I agree that it would be nice to see the drawn minor arcana cards on the prompt answer pages...the truth is, I wanted to show them, but ran out of room - I had only planned enough space for the shadow and major arcana prompt.  Now that I think about it, maybe I could show a TINY card up by the prompt text. I might add this in an update.

Thanks again!


I did the update!

I feel much better about the state of the game with this "minor" (pun intended) addition.

Thanks again for mentioning this! :-)