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(1 edit)

Ok, Christmas celebrations are beginning to be behind us. That unfortunately means it's been a bit of a slow start. But that's fine, the wheels might be slow for now, but they are turning :)

What I've done during Xmas is refamiliarized myself with Box2D, and it should do just fine for us. And one picture is worth a quite a few words, here's two three(?) demonstrative images on the stuff we're going for. (And yes, in first two of those pictures there is a global gravity in space pointing down :P)

If that reminds you of Yoshi's Island's Raphael the Raven and Angry Birds Space in the slightest, then I'd say you know what we might have been thinking of during our kickoff (nice going, comparing our tiny jam game to two big name games...)

Well, time's a ticking! Next time I try to show some more than just pastel lines on black canvas! (or you know, stuff I've already posted on twitter (warning: trippy colors))