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Really neat character concept! What Seeker specialities do you think you'd start with? Biology - Plants and Material Science - Bullets and Explosives both seem to fit. Maybe also Systens - Food Economics?

I really don't think Personal Touch is intended to work with Seeker - did you have something in mind for how you'd like to see it work?

Also Fifth, the Gardener doesn't seem to be the best shot (at most +2 attack) so maybe it would be helpful to pick up Improved Muzzle pretty soon.

(1 edit)

> What Seeker specialities do you think you'd start with?

Starting four seeker specialties:
* I didn't think of Systems Analysis: Food Economics! That's freakin' brilliant.
* I think Systems Analysis: Ecology might also be a good one, since I imagine the Hearthoak Seed's Garden is a rather complicated ecosystem (with the Hearthoak) being the central organism ---- but maybe this should be swapped out for a custom Technology feat (see concern below) maybe called "Bioinformatics"....something relevant to the engineering of organisms like the Hearthoak Seed?
* Biology: Plants, and
* Materials Science: Bullets and Explosives are no-brainers

(Concern: I worry that since a goal of the character is to unlock Sufficiently Advanced Tech for the sake of the Hearthoak, it seems like it would be a good idea to get started on Technology somehow, but none of the existing specialties under Technology necessarily vibe well with Hearthoak... )

> I really don't think Personal Touch is intended to work with Seeker - did you have something in mind for how you'd like to see it work?

Yeah, this is a super fair concern, and two less out-there solutions might be: 1) admitting that Personal Touch doesn't work well, and not targeting that for a feat, and 2) choosing some other combat utility class that is not Calibrist (strong possible alternatives that keep a similar vibe: Gunslinger (see possible interactions Fractured Focus), Sharpshooter (see possible interactions with Nothing Personal), Wardog (for a general smattering of upping combat utility)).

But if we were to stick with Calibrist, and stick with Personal Touch, I was wondering if success using the Analyze Sample feat provided by Seeker might allow one to either: a) convert (material) samples collected to be used as (a limited number of, maybe 2?) bullets with special stats (similar to how biotech/nanotech classes can "imbue" a bullet with touch attacks) or b) take data from combat/trial usage of the signature weapon, and turn it into a bonus for the weapon that can be applied Tinker-style.

With feats like Trial and Error or Analyze Sample, Seeker is just begging to interact more deeply with Calibrist, no?