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A member registered Jan 30, 2023

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(1 edit)

> What Seeker specialities do you think you'd start with?

Starting four seeker specialties:
* I didn't think of Systems Analysis: Food Economics! That's freakin' brilliant.
* I think Systems Analysis: Ecology might also be a good one, since I imagine the Hearthoak Seed's Garden is a rather complicated ecosystem (with the Hearthoak) being the central organism ---- but maybe this should be swapped out for a custom Technology feat (see concern below) maybe called "Bioinformatics"....something relevant to the engineering of organisms like the Hearthoak Seed?
* Biology: Plants, and
* Materials Science: Bullets and Explosives are no-brainers

(Concern: I worry that since a goal of the character is to unlock Sufficiently Advanced Tech for the sake of the Hearthoak, it seems like it would be a good idea to get started on Technology somehow, but none of the existing specialties under Technology necessarily vibe well with Hearthoak... )

> I really don't think Personal Touch is intended to work with Seeker - did you have something in mind for how you'd like to see it work?

Yeah, this is a super fair concern, and two less out-there solutions might be: 1) admitting that Personal Touch doesn't work well, and not targeting that for a feat, and 2) choosing some other combat utility class that is not Calibrist (strong possible alternatives that keep a similar vibe: Gunslinger (see possible interactions Fractured Focus), Sharpshooter (see possible interactions with Nothing Personal), Wardog (for a general smattering of upping combat utility)).

But if we were to stick with Calibrist, and stick with Personal Touch, I was wondering if success using the Analyze Sample feat provided by Seeker might allow one to either: a) convert (material) samples collected to be used as (a limited number of, maybe 2?) bullets with special stats (similar to how biotech/nanotech classes can "imbue" a bullet with touch attacks) or b) take data from combat/trial usage of the signature weapon, and turn it into a bonus for the weapon that can be applied Tinker-style.

With feats like Trial and Error or Analyze Sample, Seeker is just begging to interact more deeply with Calibrist, no?

(3 edits)

Dream Character.

Race: Homunculi. Why? "Because they showed up, and they are insistent enough that no one knows how to get rid of them." These buggers know how to live---and live well---regardless of how others feel about them. As far as I am concerned, that's a superpower.

Name: The Fifth, Gardener. (Actual name, to be uncovered in campaign, it is not known to them at the start.)

Backstory: The Fifth, Gardener (Fifth for short, amongst friends, or at a Cavalcade; Gardener for short, if we are to be formal) does not know their name. They are the fifth member of a small group of Homunculi (8 confirmed members, 3 thought to be deceased or otherwise missing) known as the Unwise Friends. Like most members of the group, Gardener has a working name that is closely related to something they do: in this case, taking care of a Hearthoak Seed.

Class 1: Hearthoak Seed. Why? The Unwise Friends like throwing parties, like any self-respecting association of Homonculi, and great parties need great food. The Hearthoak Seed provides that food. Also, isn't it curious that the Hearthoak Seed can provide food that provides bonuses to mechanoids? That it can heal mechanoids?

Class 2: Seeker. Why? They seek to uncover their name, and they seek to find out how a Hearthoak Seed works, and why it is that one can provide benefits to both organics and mechanoids. A major goal for this character would be to apply the Sufficiently Advanced Tech feat to their Hearthoak Seed.

Class 3: Calibrist. Why? Pairs well with Seeker, story-wise. I think there's a lot of potential in tying Calibrist's Personal Touch with Seeker's research notes (particularly materials science/technology related ones). Would require some negotiating with the GM, as it is not clearly laid out in the rules itself. But, you know, potential. Plus, the ornate Personal Holster is great for parties. Gardener thinks it is immensely sad (and therefore, immensely funny) that bullets they make know their names.

Curious to hear your thoughts!