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Black is the new orange!

...Or something like that. Anyway, I ditched the lime and went with a blackish-orange interface, merging Kenney's and Kotcrab's assets. It certainly works better than the previous one:

Also, basing on LML templates from gdx-autumn-mvc examples, I made a simple settings screen, which allows you to manage sound, display and language preferences:

This is Autumn we're talking about, so of course all settings are saved in the platform-specific Preferences file. LibGDX full screen mode is kind of buggy on Linux (all kinds of weird resolution bugs happen after changing mode, and print screen button exits application…), but – well – at least it works and looks fine.

Now I'm going to prepare controls dialog. This one is tricky, as I want to support controller devices, so for the first time I'm going to use gdx-controllers extension. Hoping to make it as flexible as a player would expect. And since many controllers have inverted X and/or Y values or otherwise non-standard key mappings, I'm going to allow setting all kinds of stuff you sometimes (unfortunately) don't see in games.

If you're wondering about the code – I think I'm going to create a GitHub repo when the jam is about to end. To be honest, I don't feel comfortable knowing that someone can just re-skin the game and sell it anywhere, but hey – I guess it could happen anyway, as Java isn't all that hard to decompile. (And, well, in case of data-driven applications, you don't even have to be a programmer or even think about decompiling, when you can just replace the assets and you're golden.) On the other hand, I'm more than OK with people learning from my applications.